SHENG LONG BIO-TECH INDIA PVT. LTD., as Gold Sponsor, was invited to participate in the 2019 annual conference of Asia-Pacific Aquaculture2019年6月19-21日,昇龙生物科技有限公司作为“亚太区水产大会2019年会(简称APA 2019)”的金牌赞助方,受会议主办方世界水产协会(World Aquaculture Society) 、亚洲渔业协会(Asian Fisheries Society)和印度农业研究委员会中央研究所(Indian Council of Agricultural Research with: Central Institutes)等单位的诚挚邀请, 赴印度金奈市国际会展中心Chennai, India参加APA 2019盛会,向印度等国家和地区的客户展示刚刚投产的印度昇龙生物科技有限公司饲料厂和苗厂,为印度等周边国家和地区的养殖户带来更为全面、在地与及时的饲料、动保、苗种以及技术服务,并主办Sheng Long Industry Session主题研讨会。
On June 19 to 21, 2019, SHENG LONG BIO-TECH INDIA PVT. LTD., as a Gold Sponsor, was invited by the organizations of World Aquaculture Society, Asia Fisheries Society, and Indian Council of agriculture Research with: Central Institutes to participate in the 2019 annual conference of Asia-Pacific Aquaculture (referred to APA hereafter) held in the Chennai International Exhibition Center, India. During this conference, SHENG LONG BIO-TECH INDIA PVT. LTD. presented to customers from India and other region its new feed mill and hatchery that have been put into production recently with the aim of providing comprehensive, local, timely feed, seed, animal health products and technical services to India and nearby countries and regions. Apart from the activities mentioned above, a seminar themed SHENG LONG INDUSTRY SESSION was also held by SHENG LONG company. 会议期间,越南昇龙生物科技有限公司总经理庄界成先生受邀参加APA 2019盛会的开幕仪式。 During the conference, Mr. JIE-CHENG CHUANG, general manager of VIETNAM SHENG LONG BIO-TECH PVT. LTD. was invited to attend the opening ceremony of APA 2019.庄界成先生、萧锡延教授、陈瑶湖教授与参会专家合影
Mr. JIE-CHENG CHUANG, Dr. SHI-YEN SHIAU, Dr. YEW-HU CHIEN with other experts庄界成先生与萧锡延教授参加APA 2019开幕式活动
Mr. JIE-CHENG CHUANG along with Dr. SHI-YEN SHIAU in the opening ceremony of APA 2019会议期间,受《Fishing Chimes》杂志社邀请,印度昇龙生物科技有限公司总经理施纪洋先生、资深销售副总Kumar先生、越南海兴农技术总监陈明贤先生参加《Fishing Chimes》杂志社现场采访,讨论印度养殖现况的观点以及未来印度昇龙在本地的发展规划。
During the conference, Mr. JI-YANG SHI, general manager of SHENG LONG BIO-TECH INDIA PVT. LTD., Mr. Kumar, Senior Sales manager of SHENG LONG BIO-TECH INDIA PVT. LTD. and Mr. MING-HSIEN, CHEN attended a live interview by the journal of Fishing Chimes to discuss the current situation of Indian aquaculture and the future development plan of SHENG LONG BIO-TECH in local market.施纪洋总经理与Kumar副总参加《Fishing Chimes》杂志专访
General Manager, Mr. JI-YANG SHI and Vice General Manager Mr. Kumar in a interview by the journal of Fishing Chimes.风格独具的昇龙展位
SHENG LONG BIO-TECH Exhibition Booth of Unique StyleAPA 2019商业展览开始后,一步入APA 2019的展览会场,昇龙科技的气势恢宏的展览摊位和丰富多样的产品就映入每一位参展者的眼帘,大家纷纷停下脚步,来了解昇龙科技的产品。
The attention of whoever stepping into the APA 2019 exhibition center would be immediately caught by the magnificent and delicate exhibition booth and the products of SHENG LONG BIO-TECH. Participants of all kinds would like to stop and learn more about this company’s products.“Quality Sheng Long, We Use Life Long!”。在展览摊位前,昇龙科技的员工在热情洋溢地接待着每一位来访的宾客, 详细地介绍昇龙科技印度饲料公司、苗种公司、动保公司,介绍昇龙科技的虾料和鱼料饲料产品、动保产品、苗种产品和养殖模式,大家互相交流水产行业信息。
“Quality Sheng Long, We Use Life Long!” Standing in front of the exhibition booth, the staff of SHENG LONG BIO-TECH hospitably greeted every customer and explicitly explained the background and products of SHENG LONG BIO-TECH, covering feed & fish feed, animal health product, shrimp seed as well as breeding mode.昇龙科技的展览摊位吸引了来自印度各地区、斯里兰卡、中国大陆、中国台湾、印度尼西亚、菲律宾、泰国、马来西亚、越南以及其他亚太地区、非洲地区、美洲地区和欧洲地区等全球各地的近2,000位水产科学家、教师、研究人员、行业专家、经销商、养殖户等参观来访。
The exhibition booth of SHENG LONG BIO-TECH attracted around 2,000 aquaculture scientists, teachers, researchers, trainers, industry experts, dealers and farmers that are from all across India, Sri Lanka, Chinese Mainland, Chinese Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, ranging from the regions of Asia-Pacific to Africa, America and even Europe.昇龙人与到访嘉宾合影
Photo of Company Staff and Guest“Coffee Space and Coffee Talks”,这是昇龙科技总经理庄界成先生的独特设计,旨在通过Coffee文化的交流互动,让每一位到访的客户感受到热情的昇龙与昇龙人 ,为客户留下昇龙与昇龙人热情服务客户的印象,践行昇龙“好服务”的“五好模式”,为昇龙建立上佳的口碑,推动昇龙品牌在印度等亚太地区的发展。
“Coffee Space and Coffee Talks”, an innovative notion created by Mr. JIE-CHENG CHUANG, General Manager of SHENG LONG BIO-TECH, was aimed to leave customers the impression of the hospitality of SHENG LONG BIO-TECH and its staff and upheld the hard-won “SHENG LONG SMART SOLUTION”. By this, it could help SHENG LONG BIO-TECH establish its name in the market and promote the development of its brand in India and elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region.每当客户走到昇龙的展览摊位,昇龙员工便会热情的咨询客户,诚挚的邀请每一位到访宾客到昇龙展览摊位的Coffee Space休息,为宾客提供一杯红茶或咖啡,在客人品尝昇龙茗茶或者咖啡的时候, 向客人介绍昇龙科技以及各项产品,促进客户与昇龙科技之间的交流与认识,促成客户与昇龙科技之间的合作关系。
Whenever customers approached to the exhibition booth of SHENG LONG BIO-TECH, the hospitable staff would always welcome them with enthusiastic consultation and sincerely invited them to rest at Coffee Space with a cup of black tea or coffee. While enjoying the comfort aroused by the drink, customers could get themselves acquainted with the background and the products of SHENG LONG BIO-TECH through the explicit explanation by its staff. This will for sure, in turn, promote the communication and understanding and strengthen cooperation between SHENG LONG BIO-TECH and its customers鱼虾营养与疾病专题研讨会
Fish and Shrimp Nutrition and Disease Seminar6月19日下午,昇龙科技在国际会展中心的Hall 1会议室主办Sheng Long Industry Session主题研讨会:Advanced Research Developments on Shrimp Culture。为此, 昇龙科技特别邀请了台湾海洋大学国家讲座教授萧锡延博士(Dr. Shi-Yen Shiau)与台湾海洋大学教授陈瑶湖博士(Dr. Yew-Hu Chien)来主持该研讨会。
In the afternoon of June 19, 2019, SHENG LONG BIO-TECH hosted a seminar with the theme of Advance Research Development on Shrimp Culture at Hall 1 of the International Convention and Exhibition Center. This seminar was co-chaired by Dr. Shi-Yen Shiau, a prestigious chair professor of National Taiwan Ocean University, and Dr. Yew-Hu Chien, a professor from the same university.同时,昇龙科技邀请了来自亚太地区的多位从事鱼虾类营养、种苗繁殖、疾病防控、养殖管理、动物保健产品等领域的国际知名水产科学家和行业资深专家来参加主题研讨会, 邀请他们在主题研讨会上报告并分享鱼虾养殖领域最前沿的学术研究成果以及他们多年的养殖实践经验。
Meanwhile, many internationally renowned aquaculture scientists and experts from Asia-Pacific region that have long been involved in the research of nutrition for shrimp and fish, seeding production, disease prevention and control, aquaculture management as well as animal health products were also invited by SHENG LONG BIO-TECH. They delivered speech on the most cutting-edge academic research in fish and shrimp farming industry and shared experience derived from years of practice.研讨会专家合影
Group Photo of Industry Experts from the Seminar研讨会合影
Group Photo from the Seminar座无虚席的昇龙研讨会
Sheng Long Seminar Session昇龙科技主办的Sheng Long Industry Session主题研讨会受到了APA 2019参会者的广泛参与, 研讨会吸引了来自来自印度以及全球各地的200多位水产科学家、行业专家、经销商、养殖户参会,会场座无虚席。
SHENG LONG INDUSTRY SESSION, a seminar hosted by SHENG LONG BIO-TECH, was widely attended by APA 2019 participants, attracting more than 200 aquaculture scientists, industry experts, dealers and farmers from home and overseas.参会者在认真倾听完嘉宾的精彩报告后,纷纷针对自己的疑惑提问,与嘉宾请教交流鱼虾类营养、种苗繁殖、疾病防控、养殖管理、动物保健产品等方面的疑惑与问题,收获了宝贵的学术成果与实践经验。
After listening carefully to the intriguing report delivered by SHENG LONG BIO-TECH guest, attendees actively exchanged with the guest over their doubts about nutrition for shrimp and fish, seeding production, disease prevention and control, aquaculture management as well as animal health products, gaining valuable academic achievements and practical experience.昇龙科技的Sheng Long Industry Session主题研讨会,为报告嘉宾和参会者提供了一个启迪思想、展示成就、交流经验、互通有无的国际舞台, 提供了全方位交流与探讨的机会,帮助学术界大咖与产业界大咖彼此分享科研成果和实践经验,促进了鱼虾养殖领域的产学研结合, 共同推动鱼虾养殖产业的健康蓬勃发展!
This seminar plays as an international platform for guest and attendees to inspire minds, demonstrate achievements, share experience and exchange needed goods. Apart from this, it also provided an precious opportunity of all-round communication and debate that helped bigwigs from academia and industry exchange scientific research results and practical experience, which, in turn, would promote the combination of producing, teaching and researching in fish and shrimp farming industry and eventually advance the healthy and vigorous development of this industry.昇龙欢迎晚宴
Sheng Long Welcome dinner partySHENG LONG BIO-TECH Welcome Banquet
结语 为期4天的亚太区水产大会2019年会,在参会者的依依不舍中结束。昇龙科技的客户以及员工,在APA 2019会议中,都获益匪浅。
The four-day Asia-Pacific Aquatic Conference 2019, from which all of the clients and employees of SHENG LONG BIO-TECH benefited a lot, ended successfully with participants cannot bear to leave.明年,APA 2020年会与WAS 2020年会合并在新加坡举办,让我们共同期待APA 2020,共同期待昇龙科技为我们带来的新内容、新成果和新产品!
Next year, APA 2020 will be held in Singapore along with WAS 2020. Let’s together look forward to APA 2020 and the new content, new achievement and new products that SHENG LONG BIO-TECH brings to us!